Ten Best Quotes Compiled To Inspire You......

Motivate yourself....

1.Strive not to be a success,but rather to be of value.
    ....-Albert Einsten.

2.I attribute my success to this:I never gave or took any excuse.
        ...-Florence Nightingale.

3.The most difficult thing is the decision to act,the rest is merely tenacity.
   ....-Emelia Earhart.

4.Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.
   .....W.Clement Stone.
5.The past is a ghost,the future is a dream.All we have is now.
     ....-Billy Cosby.

6.Twenty years from now you will be more dissapointed by the things that you didn't do
than by the ones you did do,so throw off the bowlines,sail away from safe harbor,catch the trsde
winds in your sails.Explore,Dream,Discover.
      ......-Mark Twain.

7.Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how i react to it.
      ......-Charles Swindoll

8.The mind is everything.What you think you become.

9.The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.The second best time is now.
    .....Chinese Proverb.

10.Your time is limited,so don't waste it living someone else's life.
     .......-Steve Jobs.

Realise Today Why God Made You.................

Many are the time we fail to understand why God made us and why?
If you too have this common syndrome,worry no more for I assure you today i'll help you figure out this big question "WHY?"
...There are two most important things we need to understand as human beings...that is:
i>The day you were born.
ii>Why you were born.

What you must know today is that God never created anything without a reason/purpose.
If your heart is beating as you read this,then there must be a purpose for your life.
Keep in mind today that only your creator can tell you what your purpose is,You will
never understand your purpose unless you consult your creator to share with you the reason behind creating you.
For instance,lets take example of an aeroplane,if whoever invented the aeroplane would have never shared with the world
what he created and why,then am sure aeroplane would have no meaning,everybody would be looking at it and keep on asking himself
or herself what the hell on earth that creature(aeroplane) was.But because the inventors of the aeroplane took a step to explain what they had
made,it now makes sense to all of us and because we understand why it was made,we use it for what it was meant to be used.
Fantastic,you now know the only way to uderstand the purpose for an invention is to as the inventor or read the owners manual.

Followig the example above,you now agree  with me you will never uderstand the purpose of you life unless you ask your creator.
We all know our creator is God,and our owner's manual is the Holy Bible.Unless we understand the two,we will never understand our purpose in life.
Ephesians 1:11-12 says," It is in christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for....."
Colosians 1:16 adds..."Everything, absolutely everything,got started in him and finds its purpose in Him"

Some things you need to understand before we proceed

1-You were made by God and for God
2-Before you understand your purpose in life,you life will never make sense.
3-This life is a preparation for the next(eternity)
4-We're on earth to prepare for what gonna happen in heaven.
5-God planned me for His pleasure(Revealation 4:11b-Everything exists for God's pleasure)
6-Life is all about love....this is our first purpose in life.
7-No matter how much we gain during the day.........without knowing God on that particular day,the day becomes a waste.
8-God formed me for His family(Ephesians 1:5)

In conclusion for today,This family you need to join before you understand your purpose is the Church......1st Timothy 3:15b.

Make a desion to join the family today