Discover What matters Most In Your Life.-"LOVE"

Because God is Love,One the greatest thing on earth He expects us to do is "To Love"
Love is the foundation of the whole Bible.In the beginning,we see god creating man and identifying
him as a special creature in the midst of the whole creation.Before man sinned,God and man are seen in the
same place physicaly.This symbolises the oneness between man and God in the begining before man sinned.After the man sins,
God sends him away from the garden of eden.This separatesthe entire humanity from God.Because of Gods love,we see Him sending
His only begoten son to reconcile man to God.
When Jesus comes,we witness Him in the New Testament talking about love most of the time.
Jesus summed up the old testament commandments into one major command...."LOVE"
"Love means living the way God commanded us to live.As you have heard from the beginning,his command is this:Live a life of love(2 John 1:6)
It is in love that we mature to become more of godliness.Learning to love unselfishly is not an easy task.It runs counter to our self-centered nature.
God wnts us to love everyone,but he is particularly concerned that we learn to love others in his family.1 Peter 2:17 says Show proper respect to everyone
:love the brotherhood of believers.Paul insists on the this by saying;"When we have the opportunity to help anyone,we should do it.But
we should give special attention to those who are in the famiy of believers"(Galatians 6:10).
In addition,Jesus says "Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciples."(John 13:35).

God wants us to be in a regular,close fellowship with other believers so you can develop the skill of loving.Love can not be learned in isolation,
You have to be arround people-irritating,imperfect,frustrating people.Through fellowship we learn three important facts as outlined in Rick Warren's
 Purpose Driven Life;1-The best use of love.
                                   2-The best Expression of love is time.
                                   3-The best time to love is now.
Life is all about love...that is what matters most in your life.

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